Hayden was enamored with my new parakeet. She sat looking in the cage for a long time, asking the normal questions we all would ask when meeting a yellow parakeet for the first time: "What's her name? Where does she sleep? Does she play with all of the toys in there?" After a few seconds of deep contemplation, she said she wanted a bird too. "NO!" exclaimed her mother, with no hesitation ,whatsoever. The next couple of minutes were spent revisiting the many "pets" that Hayden has helped to the "other side". Fish that didn't like living in a shoe, frogs that don't like to be held too tightly, and more fish that actually ate themselves to death after Hayden decided that it was better to give them all of their food in a yearly dose, rather than waste her precious time feeding them daily.
Moving onto the couch, Aunt, (that's me), was able to squeeze in a little snuggle time with her favorite 12 year old snuggler, Hayden Faith Elaine Whelan. One would think that this would be enough to make anyone's day, and it really was, until......it was topped by those two words that I live to hear: "YOU ROCK". Gee, thanks Hayden. I think you rock too!!!