It's almost April. Hayden had her surgery to remove a tumor in her chest on January 12, 2010. If ever there was a reason to embrace the concept of "patience" this has given us one. We still don't know what the prognosis for said tumor is. Cancer? Not? We wait.
In the meantime, Hayden continues to be her usual amazing "self". She plays with her best friend down the street from her house, she asks for ice cream EVERY DAY when she gets off of her school bus, and she gives out her hugs to the lucky ones in her life. More recently, she has begun calling her mother "lovely". Her depth and intelligence surprises us every day, though by now, we shouldn't be surprised at all. An example might be her acute observation of 2 dogs walking down the street that most 12 year old children would recognize as just "cute dogs", she saw 2 "cute Spaniels". They were Cocker Spaniels. Exuuuuuse me, Miss Dog Aficianado!
It is cliche to say that every day is a gift, but that is the world we are living in right now. We are having our own acute observations as we wait for the word from the experts that will determine our fate in this latest health battle. And we will continue to love our "little lovely" more and more with each passing day.