Radiation is done, we are down to only 2 chemotherapy sessions, and Hayden is now a teenager. Probably the scariest of all news is the last! I cannot believe the girl is 13! She definitely has the hormones of a teenager, as her greatest desire is to kiss a boy. If her BIGGEST wish were to come true, it would be Justin Bieber as the recipient. However, it is no secret, that she would settle for any boy at this point. All kidding aside, she loves all things "TEEN". Her Ipod touch, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, I-Carly and the latest addition, her cellphone! Yep. They did. Her parents got her a cellphone for her birthday. I am happy to report that I have, so far, been spared the 6 am phone calls. In true Hayden fashion, she knows how to balance her innocent nature by also having a collection of 62 WEBKINZ. I am hoping that she will never grow too old to play with them.
The last day of her radiation, she was met at the clinic by many caring and beautiful people. They were there to support her by giving her balloons that said "radiation" on them. She "let them go" as a way of celebrating the victory of completing this leg of the race. This was a hard day for her, as she wasn't feeling well, but she still tried to put her best foot forward for everyone. Without complaint, she met us at Sonic afterward, even though she could not eat a thing, and hasn't for months. She sat there patiently watching everyone eat their lunch. 3 hours later, she was feeling so poorly that they readmitted her to the hospital, her "home away from home".
She did get a slight reprieve from chemotherapy this month, as the Doctor let her delay it for one week. In this time, she was feeling the best she had in months, and got her long awaited hotel stay. She didn't care where they went, she just wanted to stay in a hotel. To her, hotels mean vacation, and vacation is not being home or in the hospital. For 2 short days, she had a summer vacation, and it was very good for her family to get away from the "norm" that has become their life this summer. As always, the swimming pool was her favorite place to go, and if she was eating, room service would have been her first request of the day! The girl knows how to live large, that's for sure.

(R=swimming with dad,
her feet in
the Jacuzzi)
All things considered, we have many blessings to thank God for, and we do! He has been our constant source of strength and we find our rest in Him. I do not, for the life of me, know how people can go through something like this without Faith in a power larger than themselves. I would be remiss if I did not mention the many angels on earth that have been there as His right hand during this time. You know who you are, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Whether by providing a meal, organizing the meals, buying and wearing a "TEAM HAYDEN" bracelet, visiting the hospital with Starbucks in hand, sending gifts and countless cards and letters, or just by being available to do whatever asked, you are all amazing. We couldn't do it without you, and we will always do our best to "pay it forward" when given the opportunity.
It is evident that most people cherish the opportunity to help other people when given the chance. During times like this, it is unfortunate that the true nature of some will be revealed as selfish and uncaring. However the fact is, we are mostly encouraged and uplifted because the majority of humankind is filled with love and generosity. This was clear and evident on Hayden's birthday when she received so many gifts and well wishes.

Although it was spent in the hospital, I think it is safe to say that with all things considered, it was a pretty darn good day for her. Her mother decorated her room the night before so that she would awake to a very festive and colorful room.
She received cards and gifts in the mail, and the hospital staff was very generous and kind with gifts, song and birthday wishes. I finally gave her the charm bracelet with the charms that I have purchased for her over the years to mark various milestones in her life. She wasn't too excited about it, but I think the older she gets, the more she will appreciate it. The funniest comment of the day was when one of the nurses proclaimed that Hayden was now a TEENAGER, and Hayden pointed at her mom and said "she's scared!". She couldn't have said anything more truthful at that moment in time. As happy as we may be for her, it is bittersweet, as we will always remember a "little girl" named Hayden Faith Elaine Whelan
Happy Birthday Hayden. I love you.

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